• foraging the hive

    foraging the hive is a collaboration between Sara Young and Tyler Budge. We use the organizing principles of the beehive as an extension of interdisciplinary investigations concerning making and production. The installation mimic's our cultures’ obsessive work ethic through systematic labor, investigating the social implications of swarming and reconfiguration and extracting similarities that exist between the bees and ourselves as makers.

  • foraging the hive

    foraging the hive: The test tubes are about making every day in our respective studios from everyday materials when brought together in concert. The stipulation in making was every material or object had to be manipulated before entering the tube. We could not use any readymade found objects. Narratives begin to be formed from disparate materials through form, color, texture housed in miniature installations within the tubes.

  • foraging the hive

    foraging the hive: The upside down hivehouse had a video feed from the outdoor constructed live apiary of bees entering and exiting the hive. These worker bees tirelessly created their hive as the quiet swarm-like configuration of 8,000 suspended test tubes evoked the reorganization within the gallery.

  • foraging the hive

    Educational making area is an opportunity for the visitor to foraging the hive to make their own test tube which would then be displayed in the YOU MAKE area of the grand hallway of the museum.

  • outdoor live apiary hivehouse

    Outdoor live apiary hivehouse had 4 entrances for the honeybees to enter and exit their hives.The window on the hive house contained a video feed of objects falling into the hives, as if they were being put into the tubes from above.